Autodesk HSM Products 2018.0.1a Ultimate multilenguaje producir piezas mecanizadas en un flujo de trabajo

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Autodesk HSM Products 2018.0.1a Ultimate poster box cover

Autodesk HSM Products 2018.0.1a Ultimate software de diseño 3D para entretenimiento, recursos naturales, fabricación, ingeniería, construcción e infraestructura civil, anunció el lanzamiento de HSM Products 2018.0.1a, una programación CAD / CAM de 2.5 a 5 ejes integrada Solución para Inventor y SOLIDWORKS Autodesk HSM Products 2018.0.1a Ultimate.

El paquete de software Autodesk HSM Products 2018.0.1a Ultimate proporciona el mejor valor en el software CAM integrado. Se incluyen los complementos HSM para SOLIDWORKS y Autodesk Inventor. La CAM integrada ayuda a los programadores, diseñadores e ingenieros CNC a producir rápidamente piezas mecanizadas en un flujo de trabajo uniforme, al tiempo que mantiene la asociatividad de los modelos para actualizaciones rápidas de los cambios de pieza. Ya sea que esté trabajando con varios formatos de CAD o comenzando con dibujos a lápiz, la CAM integrada con su software de diseño es la forma más simple y rápida de mecanizar sus piezas Autodesk HSM Products 2018.0.1a Ultimate.

– HSM para SolidWorks 2018.0.1a Construir R1.41862 *
HSMWorks está diseñado desde cero para trabajar dentro de SolidWorks, proporcionando una extensión lógica del entorno de ensamblaje paramétrico de SolidWorks en el mundo CAM. Los usuarios experimentados de SolidWorks se sentirán como en casa trabajando con HSMWorks y podrán crear trayectorias de alta calidad en cuestión de minutos. Los nuevos usuarios se beneficiarán de las completas capacidades CAD 2D y 3D de las soluciones de diseño mecánico de SolidWorks y ampliarán rápidamente cualquier conocimiento adquirido al proceso CAM, lo que resultará en una mejor calidad de diseño y un menor tiempo de desarrollo del producto Autodesk HSM Products 2018.0.1a Ultimate.

* HSMWorks 2018 es compatible con las versiones 2015, 2016 y 2017 de SOLIDWORKS Autodesk HSM Products 2018.0.1a Ultimate.

This release contains a number of important fixes and improvements, as identified below.

Changes in this version:

Fixed issue with wrong toolpath for Turning Profile depending of tool definition. #7190
Fixed issue with broken turning grooving and threading tools. #7128
Custom turning tool Insert Sizes are not specified anymore in the tool’s Name. #7035
Added command to open Autodesk Account Portal from CAM menu.
Holes for drilling are checked for obstructions only against native SolidWorks bodies. Imported bodies would have a significant penalty when checking for obstructions. #7185

Changes to toolpath generation:

Fixed issue with retracts to home position exceeding the retract limits for Turning Groove. #6777
Fixed issue with missing horizontal lead-ins for 2D Contour when using roughing. #5921
Fixed wrong passes issues when using morph mode for 2D Pocket. #3581
Fixed wrong staydown linking for 2D Contour. #1474
Fixed wrong leads for 2D Contour. #1490
Fixed rest machining support when using sideways cutting for Turning Grooving. #6899
Fixed issue where error was not properly returned when no retract could be successfully fitted for Contour. #2765
Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #6783
Fixed wrong retract for ID machining for Turning Profile. #6715
Fixed isse with lead-out exceeding axial limit for Turning Profile. #6096
Fixed missing trimming of too high passes for Engrave. #2757
Fixed issue were lower passes where not skipped when higher passes could not be reached for Pocket. #6710
Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. #5583
Fixed wrong ordering from outside issue for 2D Pocket. #6576
Improved toolpath quality for Turning Profile to avoid non tangential final cutting pass fragment in more cases. #2303
Improved linking for 2D Contour to ensure rapid retract in more cases. #6660
Improved pull-away linking for Turning Profile to ensure more leads. #6677
Improved toolpath quality for Turning Groove. #6656
Fixed issue where motion between different Z-levels would be in feed rather than rapid for 2D Contour/2D Pocket. #2437
Fixed issue with skipped pocket due to linking for 2D Contour/2D Pocket. #5923
Improved toolpath quality for 2D Contour to avoid extra circular moves in more cases. #2781
Use lead-in instead of plunge when linking outside of defined stock for 2D Contour/2D Pocket. #2494

– HSM for Inventor 2018.0.1a Build*
Take advantage of the best-in-class toolpath strategies for 2.5D, 3D and 3+2 milling applications. Inventor HSM software not only provides all the conventional machining strategies, but it also generates smooth linking moves that reduce machining time and increase machine and tool life. Each Inventor HSM license includes a license of Inventor software, offering you a complete CAD/CAM package with a truly integrated design-to-manufacturing experience.

* Inventor HSM 2018 is compatible with the 2016, 2017 and 2018 versions of Inventor, Inventor Professional, and Inventor LT.

What’s new
This release contains a number of important fixes and improvements, as identified below.

Fixed crash when copying drill operation between documents. (#7136)
Fixed issue where Probe geometry selections would be lost if using Compare and Edit. (#7154)
Fixed crash when using Select Template. (#7135)
Fixed issue where you had to change twice to switch Stock Colorization mode from “Use material” to “Operation”. (#3615)
Fixed crash that would sometimes occur after changing model visibility. (#7121)
Fixed issue where the Inventor HSM addin would not load if particular other software was installed, causing a DLL conflict. (#7167)
Regression in Inventor HSM 2018 that results in nothing happening (no file save dialog) if try to use Store as Template with multiple objects selected. (#7134)
Fixed crash when access Stock or Heights tab when using Inventor 2015 or 2016. (#7237)

Changes to toolpath generation:

Fixed issue with retracts to home position exceeding the retract limits for Turning Groove. (#6777)
Fixed issue with missing horizontal lead-ins for 2D Contour when using roughing. (#5921)
Fixed wrong passes issues when using morph mode for 2D Pocket. (#3581)
Fixed wrong staydown linking for 2D Contour. (#1474)
Fixed wrong leads for 2D Contour. (#1490)
Fixed rest machining support when using sideways cutting for Turning Grooving. (#6899)
Fixed issue where error was not properly returned when no retract could be successfully fitted for Contour. (#2765)
Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. (#6783)
Fixed wrong retract for ID machining for Turning Profile. (#6715)
Fixed isse with lead-out exceeding axial limit for Turning Profile. (#6096)
Fixed missing trimming of too high passes for Engrave. (#2757)
Fixed issue were lower passes where not skipped when higher passes could not be reached for Pocket. (#6710)
Fixed potential generation failure for Adaptive Clearing. (#5583)
Fixed wrong ordering from outside issue for 2D Pocket. (#6576)
Improved toolpath quality for Turning Profile to avoid non tangential final cutting pass fragment in more cases. (#2303)
Improved linking for 2D Contour to ensure rapid retract in more cases. (#6660)
Improved pull-away linking for Turning Profile to ensure moved leads. (#6677)
Improved toolpath quality for Turning Groove. (#6656)
Fixed issue where motion between different Z-levels would be in feed rather than rapid for 2D Contour/2D Pocket. (#2437)
Fixed issue with skipped pocket due to linking for 2D Contour/2D Pocket. (#5923)
Improved toolpath quality for 2D Contour to avoid extra circular moves in more cases. (#2781)
Use lead-in instead of plunge when linking outside of defined stock for 2D Contour/2D Pocket. (#2494)


Año: 2017
Tamaño: 588 MB
Formato de archivo: rar
Idioma: multilenguaje
habilitación:  crack
Plataforma: Windows® all 64 bits


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  1. fornalonga 27 de abril de 2021

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